Instrument relocation is an unavoidable part of a lab relocation, transition or lab rearrangement. Regardless of moving distance, a successful relocation involves a two-part process of decommissioning and recommissioning to ensure that the instrument is up and running smoothly at the new location with minimum delays.
We are so excited to tell you that we’re going to the 13th Mass Spectrometry and Advances in the Clinical Lab (MSACL) conference. We are eager to meet many incredible mass spectrometer professionals and soon-to-be alike in the clinical field.
SCIEX Triple Quad and QTRAP systems are well known for their sensitivity and robustness in mass detection and quantification. But even with modern design, things could go wrong out of nowhere.
Winter is almost over, and warm temperatures are slowly coming back. The cold weather lowered my car's tire pressure, and I need to check if the ice has caused any minor damage. It is the perfect time to get my car wheels checked and maintained.
We are going to the 33rd International Symposium on Human Identification in Washington DC. Being an annual conference for DNA technology breakthroughs and related fields, ISHI has been an important event for us to meet and learn from excellent people in the forensic community.
Our customers know that we are reliable and an affordable alternative for the maintenance and repair of their instruments. However, new customers don’t know the type of instruments we service, that we sell and buy instruments, help you save on the cost of reagents, sell instrument parts, that we hold service trainings and that we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.
SeqGen is proud to have hosted a successful International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the U.S. Department of State and U.S Department of Justice Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program forensic development assistance course to the Iraq Ministry of Interior - Criminal Evidence Division (MoI-CED) DNA Unit. This course, completed by sixteen Iraqi forensic DNA analysts and their Major General, provided competency in the independent professional maintenance of genetic analyzers for criminal forensic DNA profiling. This course was vital towards the MoI-CED DNA Unit’s ISO/IEC 17025:2017 technical and management compliance.
Our customers know that we are reliable and an affordable alternative for the maintenance and repair of their instruments. However, new customers don’t know the type of instruments we service, that we sell and buy instruments, help you save on the cost of reagents, sell instrument parts, that we hold service trainings and that we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.