Susan Henry

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We Want your Old Equipment!

17 February 2016

SeqGen, purchases used 3130’s and 3730’s and we want to make it worth your effort.Receive a FREE iPhone 6 when we purchase your old equipment.

We can help you earn a return on your investment or help fund your new equipment.

Give us a call to determine the value of the equipment (877) 561-3002.

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Love Your 3130? Keep it!

17 February 2016

We at SeqGen realize that the 3130 equipment is soon approaching obsolescence with Life Technology/Thermofisher, but we plan to maintain this Genetic Analyzer well into the future.

Our experienced engineers are among the best in the industry and our customers rave about the value they receive from us.

Please feel free to give us a call or complete this form. We will make sure to get a quote out to you immediately.

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Can You Prolong the Life of Your Capillary Array?

17 February 2016

Can You Prolong the Life of Your Capillary Array?

Frequently we hear from customers who are seeing less than optimal results in their sequencing data.  After ruling out mechanical problems, we often come to the conclusion that there are sample, reagent, or array related issues with the data.  When we finally narrow down the problem to the capillary array, the question inevitably arises “do I need to purchase a new array or can I do anything to bring this array back to life?” The simple answer to this question is “maybe”.

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Cost Saving Polymer Tips “They” Won’t Tell You

17 February 2016

My mama used to tell me “you learn something new everyday”. That certainly seems to be the case for me, even after almost 10 years as Manager of SeqGen.

The clever ideas I hear from our talented group of engineers never ceases to amaze me! Just the other day, James was sharing with me about the tips he gives our customers so that they can reduce their expenditure on polymer.







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A few words about 10x dilution buffer

17 February 2016

I guess I would not be thorough if I did not include a few words about 10x dilution buffer to go along with our polymer and array discussions of late.  Some of this information may surprise you!

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Water or Hi-Di Formamide? Some Interesting Information!

17 February 2016


We love hearing from you!  After sending out our recent communication on polymer cost saving tips, we received a great question from one of our end users concerning Hi-Di. 

After digging into it, we discovered some great information that we thought might be helpful to others.  Here is the background information and also our research findings.  Enjoy!

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Why Use a Third Party Service Provider Anyway???

17 February 2016

An email from a recent addition to the growing SeqGen family of customers reminded me of a topic near and dear to my heart – third party service providers! I wish I had a nickel for every time I have responded to this question list or similar renditions of it.  If you’ve been lucky enough to receive “the list”, I would like to take a moment to address many people’s concerns.

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Preventative Maintenance – Is it time?

17 February 2016

With the onset of Spring this year, I decided that is was time to clean out my closet. I think I literally have clothing in there from high school! You can believe me when I say that was a LONG time ago.

In the same way – it may be time to do some Spring-cleaning in your laboratory. Unlike my closet, which can survive many decades of grossly outdated fashion, your sequencer or PCR machine requires a good tune-up every year.  Do the pictures above look all too familiar?

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Pump and Lower Block Cost Saving Tips

17 February 2016

My teenaged son has accused me of being OCD because we have to vacuum the entire house each week and remove our shoes before entering the house.  The jury is still out on my mental health, but I do know the life of my carpet is being prolonged! 

You may also be able to prolong the life of your pump and lower block with simple “housekeeping” techniques.   Both parts can leave a huge dent in your budget if you have to replace them.  Fortunately, with a little time and care, both can last for years. 

We sure hope your pump does not resemble this one!





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Journey to the “Almost Center” of Africa

17 February 2016

During the month of June, SeqGen was hired to send an engineer to Uganda.  While we are an international company, this is our first experience dispatching onto the African continent.  Aaron checked and rechecked what he planned to bring with him, knowing that he would have less than a week to complete the tasks at hand and no time to have additional parts shipped to him. 

He had to wait 10 days for the yellow fever vaccine to become effective and also needed to obtain the appropriate visa. “Why?”  you may ask, were we going to Uganda?  Interestingly enough, we were hired to repair four ABI Prism 377 DNA Sequencers.  While at first glance this seems like a daunting task, it is all in a day’s work for one of SeqGen’s engineers.


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