Upgrade a 3130 to 3500 Genetic Analyzer

09 September 2022

Dear valued customer,

At SeqGen, we constantly look for new ways to improve our customer value and satisfaction. Unfortunately, the rumor has become a reality; Thermo Fisher has announced they will no longer sell consumables, such as the capillary array for your DNA Analyzer, ABI 3130/xl. However, we are reaching out to our loyal customers to let them know SeqGen can help; either from the service standpoint or upgrading your instrument. We are pleased to share that SeqGen has plenty of ABI 3500 and ABI 3500xl on sale.

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See You At ASMS 2022!

27 May 2022

Guess what? We are going to the ASMS annual conference this year and we are so excited to meet you there with a ton of talk about Mass Spectrometry. 

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Troubleshooting Mass Spectrometers 4500/5500/6500

17 February 2022

Having issues activating your Mass Spectrometer profile?

Our expert team has helped many users to activate the profile in the hardware configuration. Troubleshooting your Mass Spectrometer is essential to figure out any issue when you cannot activate it. 

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Why does your Tecan Freedom EVO need an annual PM?

17 February 2022

Just like your car needs maintenance and oil change regularly to run smoothly, keeping up the maintenance schedule for your Tecan Freedom EVO is also recommended. 

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Continuing ABI 3130 and ABI 3130xl Service is Possible!

17 February 2022


The rumor has become a reality! Thermofisher has announced they will no longer sell consumables, such as the capillary array for your DNA Analyzer, ABI 3130/xl. If you have one of these machines, you’ve probably already gotten a notice saying that you’ll have to upgrade your instrument soon. Even though the immediate response to this action is stressful for some labs, SeqGen has a plan.

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Service, Buy and Sell from an ISO 9001:2015 certified company-SeqGen

09 February 2021

Our customers know that we are reliable and an affordable alternative for the maintenance and repair of their instruments.  However, new customers don’t know the type of instruments we service, that we sell and buy instruments, help you save on the cost of reagents, sell instrument parts, that we hold service trainings and that we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.

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COVID-19 Kits

31 March 2020

As a result of the recent inquiries on assisting with COVID-19 tests, we are providing a few steps to help you identify what is needed. The FDA has approved many COVID-19 testing kits and some of them are compatible with the ABI 7500 regular, 7500 Fast, and 7500 Fast DX. Please consider the following instructions to assist you in choosing the correct one.

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Our Array Cleaning Procedure Can Save Your Lab Up To $6000!

04 March 2020

One of the most common complaints we hear from our customers is they are seeing less than optimal results in their sequencing data. After making sure your machine is working properly, we often come to the conclusion that the issue is related to the capillary array.

Most of the time, the problem is simply a dirty capillary array. Over time, dried and degraded polymer will accumulate on the inner walls of your capillary array. This can adversely affect the resolution during sample runs and cause your results to suffer. Some common symptoms of a failing array are:

  • Loss of resolution
  • Broadening or “fat” peaks
  • Delayed DNA peaks
  • Blue or yellow bands in some, but not all of the capillaries
  • One or two capillaries showing no peaks at all
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3130 Series Training

02 December 2019

SeqGen is proud to have hosted a successful International Narcotics & Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) of the U.S. Department of State and U.S Department of Justice Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program forensic development assistance course to the Iraq Ministry of Interior - Criminal Evidence Division (MoI-CED) DNA Unit.  This course, completed by sixteen Iraqi forensic DNA analysts and their Major General, provided competency in the independent professional maintenance of genetic analyzers for criminal forensic DNA profiling.  This course was vital towards the MoI-CED DNA Unit’s ISO/IEC 17025:2017 technical and management compliance.   

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What Do You Know About SeqGen?

20 November 2019

Our customers know that we are reliable and an affordable alternative for the maintenance and repair of their instruments.  However, new customers don’t know the type of instruments we service, that we sell and buy instruments, help you save on the cost of reagents, sell instrument parts, that we hold service trainings and that we are ISO 9001:2015 certified.

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